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Know the Treatment of Itchy Breasts Due to Fungus Infection

Itchy breasts due to fungal infections certainly cause discomfort, especially if you have to scratch it while in public places. Therefore, know how to treat itchy breasts due to fungal infections and how to prevent them. Itchy breasts due to fungal infections are caused by the Candida fungus, which actually lives naturally in our bodies. On the surface of the skin, this fungus helps get rid of dead skin cells and prevents bacteria on the skin from growing excessively. In normal amounts, Candida fungus helps the immune system, digestive system, and female reproductive system. But if the growth is excessive, this fungus can cause a variety of health problems. One of them is itchy breasts.

Management of itchy breasts due to fungal infections

To treat itchy breasts caused by fungal infections, your doctor will give antifungal drugs that are suitable for your condition. Some antifungal drug choices that are usually prescribed by doctors to overcome this condition are:

Nystatin ointment

Nystatin is an antifungal drug that doctors often prescribe to treat itchy breasts. This drug is available as an ointment. How to use it quite easily, namely by applying an ointment to the affected area of ​​the nipple and skin of the breast, according to doctor's recommendations.

Miconozale and clotrimazole ointment

Other drug options that can be used to treat itchy breasts due to fungal infections are antifungal ointments containing miconazole or clotrimazole. Generally, this drug is used if the nystatin ointment is not successful against fungal infections.

Fluconazole tablets and capsules

If the yeast infection does not go away after given the three ointments above, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal drug taken. One of them is fluconazole. This drug is available in tablet and capsule form. But keep in mind, the treatment of fungal infections takes time. Therefore, you need to undergo painstaking treatment until it's finished. Always follow the rules of use, dosage, and duration of use of the drug recommended by your doctor. Do not stop treatment prematurely, even though symptoms have improved.

How to Prevent Fungal Infection in the Breast

So that the yeast infection in the breast does not recur, do the following prevention methods:
  • Keep the breast dry, because fungus prefers to live in a humid place. For nursing mothers, clean the nipples with a soft wet cloth and clean each time after breastfeeding, then dry.
  • Take a shower regularly and clean the breast folds when bathing. After that, dry the body with a towel to dry completely.
  • Wear a bra made from soft, absorb sweat, and not hot.
  • Change bras and clothes every day.
  • Apply a healthy diet by eating a variety of nutritious foods. You can also consume foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt or probiotic supplements, to maintain a good balance of bacteria in the body.
Itchy breasts due to fungal infections are generally harmless. But if left untreated, itching will get worse and can cause injury or infection due to scratching. Consult your doctor if you experience itching in the breast that does not improve, so that you can be given the right treatment.


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